Meatball In Soy Sauce Recipe|What are continental food| continental food service|


Meatball In Soy Sauce Recipe


1: A cup of corn oil

2: Red pepper 1/3 teaspoon

3: Salt to taste

4:  Chinese  salt 1/3 teaspoon 

5: minced meat half a kilo

6: Ginger teaspoon

7: A teaspoon of raw papaya

8: Egg a number

9: One onion

10: Two tablespoons of vinegar

11: Three tablespoons of tomato sauce

12: Teaspoon of red chili tea

13: Two tablespoons of cornflour

14: Three tablespoons of corn oil

Making method:

1: grind papaya and then apply the papaya paste to minced and it for 20 minutes.
2: Then grind the minced meat and mix it with salt and pepper to make meatballs.
3: Beat eggs and dip them in them and then fry them in oil.
4: Lightly fry the onion in oil till it becomes brown.
5: Then add all the spices and meatballs, add two cups of water, and when it starts to cook, let the meatballs cook.
6: Then make a cornflour paste and add this paste to it and stir well.
7:  you Can have thick or thin broth according to your taste.


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