Bengali Fish Curry Recipe

               Bengali Fish Curry Recipe

 Ingredients : 

1:  Fish 1kg in pieces

2: Ghee 1cup

3:  Four tablespoons of green spices (green chilies, garlic, and green coriander)

4:  Two teaspoons of red chili powder or  turmeric powder  according to taste

5:  A teaspoon of coriander powder

6:   Rye (proven) teaspoon

7:  Curry leaves..... ten

8:  Tamarind paste cup or to taste

9:  Salt to taste

10:  green coriander and green chili for garnishing 


1:  Heat ghee, add mustard seeds and add curry leaves

2:Now add green spices, coriander powder, turmeric, and red pepper and fry for a while and add salt along with the fish.

3:  Fry well and add two cups of water

4:  After boiling, add tamarind paste

5:  Turn off the stove after two minutes on low heat

6:  Garnish with green coriander and green chilies

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