Chinese Rice Recipe|How to make a chines fried rice |Chines rice recipe easy|

                    Chinese Rice Recipe


1:Rice .............. 1 kg  half boiled
2: Chicken 1 pound without bones, small herbs
3: Capsicum 2 pieces  cut into slices
4:Carrots 1 piece finely chopped
5: pea.................. Half a cup 
6:1  Medium size  potato 
7: Small Cabbage  1 digit
8: Ginger Garlic Paste 1 tablespoon
9: Soy sauce 1 tablespoon
10:Chili sauce 1 tbsp  
11:  Oil half a cup
12: Salt as needed
13: Pepper as needed
14:Chinese salt 1 teaspoon 


1:Heat oil in a pan and add ginger garlic paste and fry.
2:Then add chicken and fry till the water dries.
3:Now add all the vegetables and all the ingredients.
4:When the vegetables are lightly browned, add rice and put it on a medium flame for some time.
5:Then serve hot.
read: Punjabi recipes

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