Floating Island Recipe|


Floating Island Recipe


1:  Four egg whites

2:   Half a cup of sugar

3:  Three cups of milk  

4:  Three egg yolks

5:  A teaspoon of vanilla essence

6:  Custard one packet.


1:  Beat the egg whites so that there is no room for a further beating.

2:  Mix the egg whites with the powdered sugar.

3:  whisk the egg whites and sugar until it gets smooth.

4:   Heat the milk and when it starts to boil, add a spoonful of egg white mixture.

5:  Don't let the milk boil. After two to three minutes, carefully remove the egg whites from the milk.

6:  Refrigerate until needed.

7:  Beat the egg yolks and sugar and mix in the warm milk that was left after the egg whites.

8:   Place the mixture over hot water and keep stirring until thick custard is formed.

9:  Take off the mixture and let it cool.

10:  Add vanilla essence and let cool.

11:  To serve, pour the custard into a serving bowl, top with meringue and whipped cream.

READPunjabi recipe (jalebi)

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