Route Recipe


Route Recipe 


1:  Two cups of semolina

2:   2 cups of powdered sugar

3:    saffron half a teaspoon

4:  eggs  ------- 4 to 5 

5:   almonds pistachios 1 cup

6:  2 to 3-----small cardamom  

7:A pinch  of crushed  nutmeg

8:  poppy seeds 2 tablespoons

9:  milk 2 tablespoons 

10: coking oil 2 cups

Making method:

Step 1:

        Put the sugar and cooking oil in a deep bowl and whisk with the help of an electric batter till it comes in the form of cream.

Step 2:

    Strain the semolina, clean, and wash the poppy seeds thoroughly.

Step 3:

      Coat almonds with pistachios, grind nutmeg and saffron, and mix in hot milk.

Step 4:

     Beat eggs lightly with the help of batter and mix crushed cardamom in it .


       Add the beaten eggs to the sugar and cooking oil mixture and add a little semolina and almonds and pistachios.

Step 6:

        Finally, add nutmeg and saffron mixed milk and mix it.

Step 7:

            Put this mixture in the baking pan like small puris at short intervals.


       Preheat the oven to 180 C for fifteen to twenty minutes before placing the baking pan in it and sprinkling poppy seeds and little almond pistachios on top. Press lightly by hand and place in the oven, bake for twenty to twenty-five minutes or until golden. 





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